11.07. Danny in Oslo

We have to leave our hostel as it is fully booked. Kalle stays in the lobby to finish his job as I explore the city a bit. The royal palace is not so special but the Opera house is quite impressive. Lots of shopping malls and shops I know from home, also some others but somehow I seem to miss the real cool places. Also they are constructing a lot right now. Cranes everywhere. Surely sometime soon the city will be looking beautiful. A little outside the city center that is already the case. I go by ferry to the vikings ship museum. Unbelievable that these ships are more than 1000 years old. This night we have to spend at the city hostel. It is quite central but expensive! And the rooms are not as nice as in the other one.

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One Comment

  1. Hans Jürgen Berthold

    Da habt Ihr ja Allerlei durchlitten.
    Schade dass Ihr dazu noch von solch einem schlechten Sommer begleitet werdet.
    Aber dafür lassen Euch hoffentlich die Mücken in Ruhe.
    Was verbirgt sich denn hinter der modernen Architektur?
    Beim Betrachten des Rathauses, sowie des Wikingerschiffes etc. werden alte Erinnerungen
    Danke für die schönen Impressionen auch der letzten Blogs.
    Habe mich sehr über das heutige Telefonat mit Pascal gefreut und wünsche Euch mehr Sonnenschein
    und weiter gutes Gelingen

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